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Verona, April 1st, 2023

Wine Power List is a ranking of the online magazine Cronache di Gusto dedicated to the 100 most influential personalities of the Italian wine sector. Here you will find the 2023 edition that usually is published the day before the start of Vinitaly. Since 2014, the editorial staff of Cronache di Gusto has been publishing this top 100 with institutional representatives, politicians, senior bureaucrats of the Ministry of Agriculture, presidents of consortia, producers, journalists, the heads of organizations and associations that represent the wine sector and many others. In each profile, the small arrows indicate the position in the 2022 ranking and the new entries are also indicated, around 30 names. On this web site you will also find the link to consult the Wine Power Lists of previous editions. Also this year the Top of the Top category is included for four characters (one more compared to last year) who go off the charts and play a role of absolute prestige: four profiles who have occupied the first place in the previous editions of our ranking. The Wine Power List this year was edited by Fabrizio Carrera, Andrea Gori, Emanuele Scarci and Giorgio Vaiana.

Piero Antinori

One of the cornerstones of Italian wine in the world turns 85 this year in July, an emblem of entrepreneurship and foresight in the bet on the quality of Italian wine. Heir to a dynasty of warriors and then vintners for centuries, Piero is however the first who senses the change of era and who decides to make the idea of Tuscan wine as an “on going quality” (his definition) of the 60s go down and to give birth to modern viticulture in Tuscany. Everything passes through the Tignanello vineyard which has always been considered special but never fully exploited until the approach in the field and in the cellar changes radically as told in his books ” Il profumo del Chianti [The scent of Chianti]” and ” Tignanello una storia toscana [Tignanello a Tuscan story]”. A few months ago the umpteenth cellar, the, Pian delle Vigne in Montalcino, was inaugurated. Conceived by the Marquis who personally made a sketch from which the project for two buildings started (one dedicated to fermentation and one for the refining of wine) destined to lead the way in terms of thermal insulation: it is perhaps the first cellar designed for the new climate and to counteract the effects of global warming. Before Montalcino there was the “cathedral” of San Casciano, able to shift the focus of communication and events to the gates of Chianti Classico. However, Antinori has always taken care more of the vineyard than buildings and structures. He has indeed the largest private Italian collection and has added the gem of Jermann in Friuli for a more decisive investment in whites, wines destined to increasingly characterize the production Antinori as evidenced by the release of Nibbio, an extraordinary version of Chardonnay, cru of Castello della Sala where Cervaro had already succeeded in the enterprise of becoming a white icon of Italian taste almost on a par with Tignanello. Used to crises and rebirths, Piero proved to be a beacon and a fixed point through the family trust to which he entrusted the fate of the cellar.

Riccardo Cotarella

For the world (and also Italian) president of oenologists, the rhythm of the days is always frenetic. Thanks to a boundless passion for what he does, his work does not weigh him down. And here it is, for example, a few weeks ago in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. He was called by the institutions of this country to study the vines with names, for us difficult to pronounce, such as Rkatsiteli, Tsitska or the better known Saperavi. And above all to give technological support through experimentation to make wines that are even better and perhaps less sharp. A prestigious assignment that he welcomed with great favour. On the other hand Georgia is the cradle of wine and how to give up then? While he is already at work preparing the Pope’s first harvest. Yes, he, Francesco, who has a Cabernet Franc vineyard in Castelgandolfo. The Vatican wants a representative wine. How can someone tell him no? His capacity for relationships at all levels is intact. In recent months he has acquired new oenological consultancy from Tuscany to Etna passing through Sweden, finding himself in the right place at the right time. Vinitaly will give him the International Prize for Italy this year. He is also working tirelessly to defend wine from health related attacks. He says of some virologist looking for limelight that they went straight in with non sense conclusions, just to capture media attention. It is clear that Cotarella’s complaint is strongly directed at the attitude of some European countries. Someone wants to forget that Italy remains a nation with a high percentage of centenarians who consume wine daily. Cotarella reiterates this concept in all ways. The real fear, however, is another pne. By now the whole world has discovered how to make good wines. Even in Sweden. Therefore the only way we can defend ourselves is, belly to the ground, to enhance the biodiversity and identity of Italian wine. This is his new goal.

Angelo Gaja

In a world where everything and more can now be said, Angelo Gaja has decided to say less. Much less. Thus, by overturning communication, Gaja is always there to trace the furrow. With the step ahead of everything and of everyone. Now the novelty of him is to let people know less. Always to communicate, but little. To give more weight to the quality of information about what he does, and not to the quantity. To be silent is his new mantra. If he says so, we need to start thinking about it. On the other hand, those who know him are well aware that apart from a few encounters in the Langhe, you don’t see him much around. Once, with a certain periodicity, he sent his reflections on the world of wine and its surroundings to some sector magazines. Or he traveled around Italy and abroad to give his always very popular talks in conferences. Not even that now, although he, 83 years old, still has many things to say. But he decided to sip them. To be precise, last October he was in New York at the Wine Spectator event dedicated to the best producers in the world with his banquet to serve wine to Americans. One of those events that brings together 6,000/7,000 wine lovers in two days and it is hard to say no to. For the rest nothing. Maybe too much confusion. Too many words around. Too much communication. To insert the muffler, exactly, is a minimalist strategy that is not born today. Because Angelo Gaja has not been to Vinitaly for about twenty years, for example. It was no longer necessary. If he looks at the Langhe, he feels a certain nervousness towards those who, from outside, decide to invest a lot of money in wine. Basically we are not faced with a colonization also because in Barbaresco and its surroundings there is almost nothing compared to what happened in Tuscany. In any case for him it is an irreversible process in those terroirs where great wines are born. Does the healthy wave worry him? He believes that by now everyone must become more and more his own doctor. Therefore, moderation, drinking with common sense and sometimes even overdoing are possible because life must also be enjoyed. Lots of ideas for the future of his brand, no ads. In the coming months, his cellar on Etna will start, the Idda winery in joint venture with Alberto Graci Aiello.

Attilio Scienza

Today, to understand what the future of wine will be like, one cannot fail to consult him. He doesn’t own the crystal ball but he has the weapons of knowledge in his hands. Nobody is like him. Formerly a university professor in Milan and the scientific consultant of several institutions, president of the National Wine Committee, author of dozens of books and hundreds of research papers. A powerful wine character? Yes, but not in the political meaning of the term. Point of contention, listened to, courted, sometimes not shared, Attilio Scienza is still the undisputed protagonist of the wisdom applied to viticulture. His studies, today more than ever, are aimed at understanding how climate change will change the way wine is made. Without any illusions, cultivation places and methods are destined to change. It is better to think about it now. The drought already makes feel the bites. It is heartening to know that the creation of new rootstocks allows the vine to better resist water shortages. Rauscedo has already sold three and a half million vine cuttings with this new system. It is not enough. We have to prepare for something else. To increase the distances between the rows, cultivate at higher altitudes, protect the bunches more and more from the sun’s rays with the help of the leaves. His forecasts are not very rosy if a process that includes knowledge and technology does not start. His idea of genome editing, something different from GMOs, is still stuck in the EU but could be unlocked. Vineyards resistant to disease and excessive heat could solve many problems, but it takes at least twenty years of study to put the new technologies into practice. Meanwhile, Scienza is now a permanent testimonial of Vinitaly Academy International, Stevie Kim’s creature dedicated to foreigners who want to know everything about Italian wine. In the days of Vinitaly he dedicates four conferences to these students. From climate change, precisely, to the migrations of grape varieties that are so reminiscent of those of people from the south to the north of the world. Up to the suggestive one he dedicated to the interconnections between myth and DNA. For Science, by studying Ulysses and Antenor you can understand the evolution of the vine. Fantastic, isn’t it?

Francesco Lollobrigida

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty leaps to first place in our ranking. A new entry that for us represents the return of a certain primacy in politics. Lollobrigida’s mission in recent months is to build a wall against everything that can pose a danger to Made in Italy and our culture of wine and food, be they Irish labels rather than synthetic meat or Nutriscore. Lollobrigida has repeatedly stressed that Italy, with its extraordinary wealth of products, biodiversity, traditions and above all quality, must be at the forefront in affirming that food is also identity, culture, respect of the world of work. However, beyond the announcements, last December the minister rejoiced for having persuaded the EU Commission to eliminate meat and wine from the list of foods deemed harmful to health, but sixty days later he was forced to acknowledge that in Brussels the concept of wine that is the enemy of health and the cancer plan had gone out the front door to allow it to sneak in the back. The health alerts had slipped by. “Some nations, in particular Ireland – he said, perhaps holding back his anger , are attempting to stigmatize certain products, especially wine, and we consider that totally irresponsible. We will activate all forms of resistance towards a provision that divides Europe. We are going to send the letter from Minister Tajani denouncing the violation of the treaties on European trade to the colleagues who have signed a joint document, Spain and France and 6 other nations”. Lollobrigida also maintained the same inflexible approach in Italy. He returned to the sender the requests of Lazio and Puglia to activate crisis distillation which is “a tool of last resort, to be used when stocks register significant increases”. Ministerial monitoring established that stocks are slightly up compared to the previous campaign, but in line with the previous ones.

Lamberto Frescobaldi


His winery continues to generate revenues and profits. He has also shown himself to be active as president of the Unione Italiana Vini. In 2022, the Tuscan Frescobaldi group improved its revenues, having also used up a large part of the wine. The Frescobaldi group is in the Top 10 for turnover of private Italian wineries. It includes the Tuscan estates of Nipozzano, CastelGiocondo, Pomino, Ammiraglia, Castiglioni, Remole, Masseto, Luce and Calimaia. In Friuli the Attems estate. The general property also includes the 12.8 hectares acquired in Bolgheri with the Podere Arundineto and the 35 from the estate in Montepulciano, past Corte alla Flora. On the associative front of the UIV, the new president has shown himself intransigent against the health warnings on wine in Ireland, arguing that “the silent assent of Brussels in Dublin represents a dangerous leap forward”. And he also immediately supported Paolo De Castro’s launch of the EU reform of geographical indications. According to Frescobaldi “it is important that European wine falls within the reform of geographical indications. Our sector cannot remain unmoored from EU quality policies: we risk dangerous isolation at a time when the pitfalls, such as the healthy lobbies, are just around the corner”. The entrepreneur president’s only slip up was in the autumn on the occasion of the wine2wine event in Verona when, in a scenario albeit of great uncertainty and concern, Uiv embraced the worst case scenario: he estimated that in 2023 the average turnover of wine business would have contracted on average by 16% and the gross operating margin would have dropped to 4%. “I defy anyone to declare that we are not heading towards a perfect storm” said Frescobaldi and proposed a reduction of 3 million hectoliters of production. Fortunately, since then the clouds have cleared, the wineries today flaunt a moderate optimism also for the prevision of a lively tourist season.

Ettore Prandini


The agricultural world is coming out of a phase in defense of the problems generated by the boom in energy prices and production costs. But Coldiretti’s hyperactivism has never failed. President Prandini passes, with ease, from a 3 day stay in Cosenza in the Coldiretti Village to the meeting at Palazzo Chigi convened by the government on the draft enabling law to reform the tax system up to the search for an agreement with the major European agricultural organizations to stop the EU directive that impairs farms by equating herds to factories. And so on. Prandini’s powerful organizational machine (he is also a Lugana wine entrepreneur besides being a farmer) continues to have great influence on the decisions of Minister Lollobrigida, as he had previously with Patuanelli, Bellanova and Centinaio. Prandini has clear ideas about wine: “We have built a culture of quality, of responsible drinking. We are the world’s leading producer and second behind France in terms of export value. Defending the wine sector means defending the Italian economy and culture. Ireland does not produce wine, but hosts, thanks to its tax regime that dumps the rest of Europe, the multinationals of drinking that are spending billions in communication and want to erode market shares. For them it is convenient to promote drinks that reproduce the aromas of wine with chemistry and it is essential to remove a competitor like Italy from the market”.

Luca Rigotti


The coordinator of the wine sector of the Alleanza agro food cooperatives has just been reconfirmed for the next two years to lead the wine working group of Copa Cogeca, the main European agri food organization. It should be remembered that the Alleanza agro food cooperatives associates 400 cooperative wineries that produce 58% of Italian wine. On the issue of Europe on wine, Rigotti said: “Sometimes the orientations of Europe put an important sector of the economy in difficulty. We will shortly be discussing on the relationship between wine and health, the reform of packaging and the sustainable use of pesticides”. Rigotti spends all his energy to bring home favorable results on all very strategic and burning dossiers on which the future of the wine system is at stake. On the internal front, on the occasion of wine2wine, the Italian wine union had pointed the finger at the excess of derogations from the yields of common wines that the Consolidated Law sets at 300 quintals/hectare, with derogations at 400. Apparently hesitant on stage, then Rigotti appeared decisive on the sidelines of the event: “It’s easy to say fewer grapes, let’s uproot. A precise agreement has been made on the limitation of production, with the exception of suitable areas. It works, let’s not hurt ourselves ”. Rigotti is also the president of the wine giant Mezzacorona that once again this year shows significant results in terms of turnover and growth.

Paolo De Castro


Bad blow for the dynamic MEP expert on agro industry. Last year De Castro had been the director of changes to the European plan that associated alcoholic beverages with the onset of cancer. “With our 4 amendments – he said – we have managed to establish a clear difference between the abuse and the moderate and responsible consumption of wine and alcoholic beverages. We have also eliminated the non sense request to place health warnings on wine bottles as on cigarette packets”. At the beginning of this year the surprise: Dublin had won with the go ahead from Brussels on mandatory health warnings on wine, beer and spirits labels. In the end a lost game. Now the remedial opportunity is appearing for De Castro: he is the rapporteur of the proposal to revise the EU IG system. He argues that the spirit must be that of a system of strong standards for the protection and promotion of our excellent agri food products, heavily inspired by wine growing standards. This goes in the direction of the solicitations of almost 200 out of the more than 1,600 European wine Ig labels “.

Luigi Moio


In 2024, Luigi Moio will lead the celebrations for the centenary of the OIV, an acronym that stands for International Organization of Vine and Wine, based in Dijon, France. A good result for the Italy of wine. Fifty countries from all over the world are part of this sort of wine UN. The last entries are Ukraine and Albania, whereas the United States remain outside. Moio is called upon to manage many dossiers, some of them burning, for which he must try to find mediation in a short time. Just think of the definition of alcohol free wines which is now more than a trend; or alternatives to the use of copper, considered polluting; another hot dossier is the one on labeling where the leaps forward of the EU force the OIV to run behind. A great deal. Moio, university professor in Naples and owner with his family of Quintodecimo, a beautiful winery in Irpinia in Mirabella Eclano, is an authority on enology and on the aspects related to the aromas of wine. He has written a bestselling book on the subject and another is due out soon. He himself believes that the scent of a wine while drinking it is the most important aspect.

Maurizio Danese


From president to CEO. For Danese, a “leap forward” worthy of a sprinter. The new Board of VeronaFiere has made an important decision: no director and an enhanced role for the managing director. This role was entrusted to Danese a few months ago. Someone who knows well the organization (with him the company’s listing on the Stock Exchange) and who is experiencing first hand this important change in Vinitaly. Less and less dedicated to the public (hence the birth of Vinitaly and the City open to wine lovers) and more and more linked to business. The pandemic has created an unexpected stop for the Verona entrepreneurship that had to deal (in every sense, including economic) with a Vinitaly in difficulty. The two “narrow gauge” fairs certainly did not put anything right. This year, however, the Spa company in viale del Lavoro is presenting a “packed” and even more “business” event with the return of buyers from China and Japan. And with an eye also to economic sustainability.

Giuseppe Blasi


When politics regains its space it is natural that the bureaucracy, traits of the high bureaucracy, must take a few steps back. This is the case of the department heads of Masaf, the new acronym of the Ministry of Agriculture. Giuseppe Blasi who is the head of the department of European and international policies and rural development, in any case represents the most solid continuity in the managing offices of via XX Settembre. Not only for his competence but also for his experience. He is the department head who has known the meanderings of bureaucracy applied to the agricultural world for the longest time, where wine represents an important chapter. From Marche region, since 1988 in the ranks of the ministry, with soft manners, reserved, great mediation skills. However, he still has to face some significant problems: from staff shortages to the poor digitization of offices. The announced reorganization of all the offices, a small team from Lollobrigida is working on, is expected. It is likely that many things will change. We will see.

Francesco Liantonio


He is the president of Valoritalia who should be reconfirmed in the next few weeks for the next three years. The great result of his management at the head of the company is indisputable, that today can boast of having certified around 2 billion bottles of wine in 2022. High capacity for relations and interlocutions at ministerial level and great knowledge of the sector as well as an undisputed dose of energy aimed at his work are the virtues of this Apulian entrepreneur who also effectively manages Torrevento, the family business. Among the forthcoming strategies for Valoritalia is the computerization process that will bring online all the Italian denominations certified by Valoritalia. A system that, according to the experts, will be highly performing and in line with the needs of companies. Some numbers of Valoritalia: 35 offices, over 230 employees and 1,250 collaborators, it has certified 57 percent of all Doc and Igt for a wine value of around 8 billion euro. Liantonio is also the managing director of the Prosit company, very oriented towards shopping among the cellars.

Stefano Scalera

From the implementation of the Pnrr to the management of quality policies in the Italian agri food sector. Complex subjects in both cases, for the latter perhaps with broader decision making capabilities. Scalera comes from the MEF and the minister himself wanted him in via XX Settembre. He takes the place of Francesco Saverio Abate destined for another position. Among his duties, he manages the supply chain contracts and the approximately 100 million euros for the promotion of Italian wine in third countries. That budget becomes more than double with the share invested by individual companies. His goals include keeping spending power high and supervising the quality of the spending itself. The issue, in fact, is not only that relating to the times by which to spend the funds of the European Union but also to measure their effectiveness in some way. Surely a growing export, especially in value, encourages and suggests that the instrument introduced by Brussels about twenty years ago is bearing fruit. But not entirely if it is true, as it seems true, that a reduction in the financial availability would be envisaged in the next programming instruments.

Carlin Petrini


The founder and international president of Slow Food always brings us down to earth to remind us of the limits of agriculture and the need to manage the environment in a respectful way without ever neglecting the human aspects. His interventions should never be overlooked because they often trace a sustainable path for the future. He has approved the Slow Wine Fair, the new exposition that every year in Bologna at the end of February brings together the winemakers most faithful to the philosophy of the snail. He critically observe what is happening in the wine area closest to him. He recently wrote that the 2022 vintage in the Langhe was excellent: «yet this may be the exception that is valid for one year. Then, as the proverb says: “by dint of pulling, the rope breaks”. Since discouragement does not belong to the people of the Langa, I think this is the time for reasoning, evaluations, changes in behavior and the development of an ecological awareness to face uncertain and complex times”.

Felice Assenza


He is at the head of the department of the Central Inspectorate for quality protection and fraud suppression of agri food products, also known as ICQRF: one of the major agri food control bodies. It is the most strategic office to defend Made in Italy in the agri food sector, wine included of course. Assenza, a 62 year old from Sicily, effectually leads 29 offices and several analysis laboratories, scattered throughout the peninsula. These laboratories must intercept and repress commercial frauds, as well as supervise on all certification bodies of all denominations, including the ones of wine, and on the irregular marketing of agrifood products that get to Italy. It somehow defends against unfair competitions. At the same time, it is our forefront against the Italian sounding, which alone is worth much more than the total value of our agri food exports. The image of our country’s system depends on it. Assenza, who has been at the head of this department for over a year, has shown a nice tightness. Yet, the task remains difficult.

Enrico Zanoni

The fact that he put 35 million euros on the plate, aiming at the development of Cavit production, shows his courage. By this spring, works will be started, and completed within 5 years, in order to expand the cooperative’s cellar. “We will adjust production capacity in an evolving sector, which we are convinced is yet from reaching its peak – said the general manager Zanoni. With the Altemasi and Cesarini Sforza brands, we are confined to the current structure. We are focusing on both brands”. The Trentino based company sees a growth in production coming, especially in Italy and in the segment of the youth. The new grape production shall extend to the vineyards in Trentino. The Cavit consortium brings together 11 cooperative wineries, connected to over 5,250 winegrowers, who regulate a vineyard area of over 60% of the provincial one. Is overconfidence provided in wines? “No, it is not– replies Zanoni -, currently, our offer is made up of 70% red wines and 30% sparkling wines”. But Zanoni’s specific weight must also take into account his role as president of the Trento Doc Institute, which is spending a lot on promotion. A sparkling figure.

Sandro Sartor

Ruffino focuses one third of its investments on sustainable wine. For this reason, it has put 8 million euros on the plate to finance the development plan for its 9 estates, within the next 3 years. With the 2024 harvest, the managing director Sandro Sartor plans to complete the organic conversion of the 6 estates in Tuscany and of the 3 in Veneto: the Ruffino 2025 goal is to make the supply chain 100% sustainable. On the crux of true organic wine, Sartor, who also has the role of vice president of Unione Italiana Vini, argues that “it would be important to have at least a national framework: that is to say, to define a disciplinary system for the sustainability certification of the wine production chain. I count on the Ministry of Agriculture, to get the work done by 2023″. On the commercial front, Ruffino’s limits have recently become clear due to an insufficient supply of wine, which has happened to other companies as well. However, Sartor estimates, within the next three years, an increase of the 600 hectares available by 20%. Nowadays, Ruffino is controlled by the giant US Constellation Brands, which has always reinvested all profits. A hyper green CEO, indeed.

Luigi Polizzi


His thirteen year long experience in Brussels, both in the European Commission and in the representation of our interests in the agricultural sector, has brought him to his office, which deals with more relations with the European Union. He is at the crossroads between taking decisions at European level, and applying measures for the whole agricultural world. As manager in the department headed by Giuseppe Blasi, Polizzi is thus the front office of many issues concerning all agriculture, from fruit and vegetables to oil, from milk to wine. The latter represents a very important item. Some dossiers are those that fall within the national strategic plan. In short, he deals with everything related to CMO investments: conversions (the planting of new vines in tens of thousands of hectares, to meet market needs), by products, green harvesting, and more. The annual budget sums up to 330 million euros, and all funds are in support of the wine sector alone. A decisive figure.

Matteo Lunelli


The 48 year old CEO Matteo Lunelli, together with his cousins Alessandro, Camilla and Marcello, have built a fighting machine: Ferrari Trento, an icon of Italian sparkling wine. The brand travels the world with Formula 1, but above all, it makes high quality and communication two of its most valuable assets. It is no coincidence that it is the only non French house to win the title of producer of the year at the world championship of wine in London. A few months ago, the Trentino based company launched Ferrari Riserva Bruno Lunelli 2006, the second vintage of the Riserva dedicated to the progenitor of the Lunelli family, 100 years after his birth. The Ferrari brand often accompanies events of gastronomy (such as the opening of Langosteria in St. Moritz), culture (like the Vincent Peters exhibition) and sustainability (as M’illumino di meno). The group generates 140 million worth of revenues and does not only include the Ferrari cellars (5 million bottles), but also Bisol Prosecco Superiore, the Podernovo estate in Tuscany and Castelbuono in Umbria, the Segnana distillery, Surgiva mineral water and Tassoni soft drinks.

Vittorio Cino


With his arrival, the general manager of Federvini rocketed up (without exaggerating) institutional communication. Cino was always present and timely on major European and Italian topics: the cancer plan, health labels, inflation and the trend in wine consumption. On the latter issue, which last autumn seemed destined to be submitted by the blows of the recession, Cino kept his nerve, and analyzed the market data without leaps forward. “There are too many variables to make a reliable forecast he stated to date, there are no signs in the horeca that lead us to think of a sharp demand slowdown in 2023”. On the subject of health warnings, «wine must talk about wine, but this battle is not won alone; wine producing countries are not enough, and greater synergies are needed, instead of divisions». On the price race in Europe, the general manager intervened, emphasizing that «the small medium producers are the ones struggling the most, yet we must all work together. Wine has increased less than all other products, however, it cannot lose its profitability any longer, otherwise it would be damaging».

Fabio Vitale

The appointment of the new manager of Agea is one of the first measures signed by Minister Lollobrigida. Vitale takes the place of Gabriele Papa Pagliardini. It is useful to reaffirm how crucial Agea is for Italian agriculture and, therefore, wine as well. “It is the Italian payer body – as reads the institutional site – which is responsible for the dispensing of aid, contributions, prizes and community interventions, as well as for the management of public stocks, and of programs to improve the quality of agricultural products for aid food”. Therefore, anyone who works in the agriculture field must go to the offices in via Palestro, in Rome, to be certain about the disbursement of essential contributions for businesses. However, Vitale ends up dealing with the issues left by his predecessors. Among his goals: “there is a strong need for Agea to have its own IT platform”. The crux of the many appeals and frauds, together with the agreements with the Caa, need to be taken into account as well. But, above all, he has to deal with the long time it takes to elaborate payments. He himself declared: «We are the only ones left in Europe, we need to improve». If he says so…

Alberto Mazzoni


His role within the National Wine Committee is crucial. His expertise on the consortia dynamics and associated regulations is wide. His experience is there to service Italian wine. However, he is also the “super” manager of the Marche Institute for the Protection of Wines (Imt) and his presence is needed for another important year for his territory and the extraordinary wines (with Verdicchio in the lead): these latter have been gaining more and more approval, also, and especially, from the international press. Mazzoni has carried forward his projects, year after year, to promote a territory on the rise; this was possible also thanks to far sighted producers, who have increasingly aimed at a path of highest quality. The institute encompasses 556 member companies and 16 denominations of origin, 4 of which are DOCGs. It represents 89% of the bottled product of the reference area, and accounts for 45% of the entire vineyard area (over 7,500 hectares split among the provinces of Ancona, Macerata, Fermo and Pesaro-Urbino). The project to enhance the native vines starts from afar, and goes along with the strengthening of tourism.

Stefania Saccardi


The Councilor for Agriculture and Vice President of the Tuscany Region has taken charge of promoting and encouraging all the area’s numerous gastronomic excellences; yet, the wine business remains the driving force. Among the most successful initiatives, Previews of Tuscany is definitely the most outstanding. The defection of Brunello di Montalcino (with the presence of Chianti, Chianti Classico, Nobile di Montepulciano, Vernaccia di San Gimignano and 13 other denominations) did not affect the success of Anteprime di Toscana’s latest edition. At the inauguration of the event in Florence, Saccardi stated: “The widespread satisfaction gratifies us. Currently, there are about 160 buyers from all over the world. This is the ideal starting point. The high quality of the wine represents an important element for our entire economy. The Region has always been on the side of those who allow Tuscany to confirm its excellence and quality”. In 2022, Made in Tuscany wine achieved 690 million euros worth of PDO exports (+7%), even in view of a 3% decline in volumes.

Luigi D’Eramo

As the undersecretary to agriculture with responsibility for organic farming, he takes on a heavy legacy from Gian Marco Centinaio. He has to pursue very heavy issues: first and foremost that of Nutriscore, which risks the compromising of Made in Italy; secondly, the matter of the organic. The strategies for the field will be defined by this summer.

Corrado Casoli


An Emilian, from Correggio, who has been the president of the Italian Wine Group since 2010: this latter is a battleship in the magnum sea of wine companies. It represents continuity in a company in the forefront in terms of turnover in Italy. In 2022 they reached 460 million; an important number that imply a careful and competent management. It appears to be on the upswing.

Stefano Vaccari

Stefano Vaccari is the General Director of CREA, the Council for Research and Economics in Agriculture; he also represents a focal point for research in the agri food sector. He has to deal with sensitive assessments, projects for innovation, which are all the aspects that involve the world of wine at several levels. A strategic personality.

Massimo Romani


He is the top manager of Argea, a holding company controlled by the fund of private equity Clessidra. Argea controls the Venetian Botter, the Piedmontese Mondodelvino and the Zaccagnini from Abruzzo. It is now searching for brands in the Langhe territor. It represents the new frontline of finances applied to the wine industry: brands are being bought, and the focus is on development and marketing.

Gianni Bruno


He represents the consistency of one of the most important exhibitions of VeronaFiere. The Vinitaly brand manager has been there for over thirty years to manage the spaces and attract exhibitors. This year there are around 4,400 exhibitors in line, considering what has happened in recent years. The opening to the world of mixologists, albeit timid, is an innovation.

Francesco Giovannini


The general manager of Mezzacorona can show off record breaking results: a good 213 million euros in turnover (+8.60%) last year, and 67 million paid to members with an average of 18 thousand euros per hectare, whereas exports exceed 80 percent. The Trentino battleship confirms an economic situation in great shape.

Giovanni Manetti


2022 was a good year for classic Chianti, despite the -3% of volumes. “In 2022 the price of the bottle, of the bulk and of land values increased. We sell more than we produce and the stock tends to decrease” states the president of the Manetti Consortium. 11 UGAs are coming: from July on, they will be seen on the Gran Selezione labels.

Stevie Kim


In a short while, she has put together the most powerful podcast dedicated to the world of wine. As the founder and director of Vinitaly International, she is always on point, thanks to an unaltered energy. She is the vehicle of the Verona fair, which aims at international markets. From the USA to Asia, her work is improving Italy’s reputation for drinking.

Oscar Farinetti


His family no longer owns the majority shares of his product: Eataly. Today, the many cellars that he owns acquire a new central role. His high storytelling ability remains untouched, and is disclosed in Italy and in the world, resulting in benefits for the wine produced from the Langhe territory to Etna.

Sandro Boscaini

The elderly lion of Masi Agricola returns. Boscaini relives the growth after the shading post listing years. Overall, the results for the two year period 2021-22 were good. The entrepreneur boldly defended the family property, and relegated the shareholder Renzo Rosso to a corner, until he was forced to resign. An indomitable personality.

Stefano Zanette


What can be said about a president and a Consortium, Prosecco DOC, that manage to handle global success with such a balance? In 2022, a record was set of 638.5 million bottles for a value of 3 billion euros. Plant management, yields and storage have made it possible to keep the course. A great helmsman, indeed.

Angelo Frascarelli


Where to go without the Ismea data? Frascarelli has been the president of this institute for two years, and is always a reference point in terms of digits and statistics, which are necessary to understand the dimensions of the wine system. Fundings, too, need to be managed, so as to provide services. The minister considers it a strategic office.

Matteo Ascheri


His outburst against investors who come from afar did not go unnoticed. He fears that the Langhe territory will be distorted. As president of the Consortium, he is working considerably on promotion with very focused events abroad, and with the Academy, with which many “ambassadors” of Barolo and Barbaresco are trained.

Matteo Zoppas

The new president entrepreneur of ICE greeted his designation by underlining that “in uncertain times like the current ones, the foreign projection of Italian companies is even more significant. An increase in the number of exporting companies and in the value of exports is need”. Promotion abroad is bread and butter for wine’s sake.

Fabrizio Bindocci


Although 2018 was considered by critics to be a small vintage, Brunello di Montalcino remains a stainless icon. In the same way, managing a Consortium with 250 members, and an area of over 2,500 hectares of vineyards, remains an arduous and prestigious task. Rosso di Montalcino is in great demand: it could skip the halt to new installations.

Silvana Ballotta


She boasts top level relations in Italy and abroad. Her specific weight is in increase, as well as that of her creature, the Business Strategies company, which is essential for those who want to browse out of Italy. She remains a certain reference point for the internationalization of wine. After conquering Asia, she aims steadfastly on North America.

Luca Zaia


The president of the Veneto is attacking Europe on the health labels of Ireland: “Such a rule calls into question the Union itself. The rule would affect Italy, Spain and France. That is to say, the founding countries of the EU”. Zaia will support the UNESCO recognition for the traditional grape drying technique. A striking personality indeed.

Silvano Brescianini


A “break a leg” for the Franciacorta DOC, despite some companies will not be present at Vinitaly, since they are diversifying their strategies. The designation numbers are relevant. In 2022, over 20 million bottles were sold, an average growing value of +5.7%. Exports, instead, register a growing of +11.3%.

Ruenza Santandrea


Dealing with Romagna wines, the number of bottles is increasing (+4%) but the pre pandemic gap is yet to be recovered. However, the Consortium does not slow down the race to leave the road clear. Today, we count 118 members, around 90 per cent and, since last August, 4new sub zones have been operational, granting greater identity.

Alessandro Mutinelli


The CEO of Italian Wine Brands is evermore top wine manager. In 2022 as well, the growth through external channels continued, as Iwb set foot in Tuscany by detecting Barbanera. Furthermore, with the USA Enovation Brands importer, it has ensured its attendance in largescale distribution and in the horeca sector. In 2022, revenues grew by 5.2%, reaching 430 million euros.

Antonio Rallo


He has just been reappointed at the helm of the Doc Sicilia in a complex year. He will have to face some new challenges: starting with the need to give a new boost to the Denomination, down to the need to create more value to the wines produced, in particular to those of the cooperative cellars. His consolidated experience will be of great help.

Oreste Gerini


He leads the executive office in the management of funds earmarked for promotion and supply chain contracts, a department that now has a new head. His office is under the direct close observation of the minister. Gerini’s experience, from Tuscany, will be needed to give consistency to a delicate and complex sector.

Renzo Cotarella

The CEO of Antinori, abreast more than ever, closes a euphoric 2022 with 213 million in revenues. The ancient Tuscan family controls, in Tuscany alone, 1,800 hectares of vineyards, and is present in the most renowned areas: it produces Franciacorta, Barolo and Barbaresco. The company is also present in Umbria, Friuli Venezia-Giulia and Puglia.

Roberta Corrà


The managing director of Gruppo Italiano Vini manages to overcome the boom in glass, energy and sea freight costs in 2022 without eroding margins. A rare case, indeed. The turnover is around 460 million, while the EBITDA is at 21. Investments are also holding up: 15 million are destined for the improvement of technologies in cellars, and for the renewal of the barrels. Great job.

Carlo Ferrini


He has had the merit of being among the first ones to combine agronomic and oenological skills. His intuition made the wines take a leap in quality. Still today, he is the key figure of some cellars from Trentino to Etna, passing through his native Tuscany. The increasing involvement of his daughter Bianca is to be appreciated.

Daniele Cernilli


For us, he still remains the prince of wine expert journalists, even though it might appear as an exaggeration. A judgment, a comment and a score of his trace the furrow. The essential guide to the wines of Italy remains a must have. Furthermore, his Monday editorials are mustreads, too.

Albiera Antinori


She has recently been confirmed as president of the Bolgheri Consortium, and is also president of the Federvini wine group. Her first work experience in the company was in the Prunotto estate, in the Langhe territory. She has a great responsibility: that of guiding the management of a territory, considered among the flagship of Italian drinking.

Massimo Tuzzi


The relaunching of the Franciacorta Terra Moretti started with the arrival of the ex Zonin CEO in Erbusco; he traced a clear route bringing a managerial attitude, that can be useful for structuring the wine group. In two and a half years, a growth resumed and the debt was reduced. He is aiming at 100 million in revenues. He is always at the right spot.

Giuseppe Liberatore

He is officially the consultant to the president of Valoritalia. As a matter of fact, he is much more than that, thanks to a high profile career in consortia and institutions in the sector. He knows exactly how to untangle himself among laws and regulations; he knows people and things of the ministries that matter. Italian wine still needs his expertise. An essential figure.

Ricci Curbastro

Last year, after 24 years, he took decision to leave the leadership of FederDoc (after Giangiacomo Gallarati Scotti Bonaldi’s taking of office). He now dedicates himself to Equalitas and to his company in Franciacorta, together with his sons Gualberto and Filippo. Sustainability, as well as social commitments, is among his priorities. He still remains a reference figure.

Stefano Marzotto

Since the departure of the CEO Beniamino Garofalo at the end of December, it’s up to the former Mille Miglia driver to occupy the CEO role of Santa Margherita. The same had happened 3 years earlier, when the Marzottos dismissed Ettore Nicoletto. The company has achieved record breaking revenues and margins, necessary for its for growth. The storming on Zenato failed. At a run.

Luca Pizzighella

The Signorvino concept is the evolution of the wine shop. The chain led by Luca Pizzighella, owned by the founder of Calzedonia, has reached 28 sale outlets, with 2,000 labels, 1.8 million bottles and 55 million worth of revenues. Not too shabby for a chain born in 2012. They started from the North, and are now heading South. He is like a streak of lightning.

Monica Larner


Recently there were no top grades among Italian wines. Still, there are no doubts that the work of the Italian correspondent of Wine Advocate is always highly awaited and followed. She deserves credit for knowing the Bel Paese from North to South, without focusing only on the most popular territories. Much of Italy is present in the magazine’s huge event that took place in Zurich.

Lorenzo Tersi


His LT Wine&Food Advisory led the ArgeaZaccagnini acquisition and other operations: the Benanti Rosso and Mosconi La Monacesca deal, then the Leone Alato Dettori Cantina Fiorentino distribution agreement. Tersi is president of Venturini Baldini. He is also present on the board of directors of Masi and Cortilia, and is the consultant of the Consortiums of Chianti, Morellino and Bolgheri.

Hans Terzer


San Michele Appiano and its oenologist are always a reference point for South Tyrol. The cellar is a battleship that shows performing results and that doesn’t yield on quality. Its territory count almost 400 hectares, with 320 members and 2 million bottles. The arrival of the new UGAs will be able to bring a new look to the identity of the wines.

Giovanni Mantovani


After 21 years at Veronafiere as general manager, Mantovani is now a luxury business consultant, who works both on his own and with the Milanborn company Strategic Management Partners. The development and experience, gained from Vinitaly and in the world of wine, comes in handy in his second life at the service of companies. His name will be heard.

Maurizio Zanella

We are not exaggerating in defining him as one of the creators of Franciacorta. Visionary, determined, passionate: he represents much more than his own creature, Ca’ del Bosco, which he owns together with the Marzotto family. His expertise is still towards servicing his territory. A voice worth hearing.

Priscilla Incisa
della Rocchetta


Sassicaia is increasingly more iconic. The 2019 vintage is also amazing and is already the most awarded wine in the guides. Priscilla is Mario’s granddaughter: he was the one to plant Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc in Bolgheri and to give birth to the myth of Sassicaia. Together with her cousins and her father Nicolò, she is today at the helm of Tenuta San Guido, as brand ambassador.

Elvira Bortolomiol


The arrival of the new president in one of the most contentious consortia in Italy has soothed down (so it seems), also thanks to the support of Diego Tommasi, the new manager. Bortolomiol celebrated the achievement of 100 million bottles, with an estimated turnover of around 590 million euros, as certified by Cirve.

Luca Sammartino

A 37 year old from Catania is the new Sicilian Councilor for Agriculture. In his political baggage, wine is a novelty. Yet, he’s studying intensively, and already has clear ideas to play his role profitably. Soon the announcement of a new wine plan will be made, which has been on hold for thirty years.

Graziana Grassini


Since last October she has been a member of the National Wine Committee, and assesses appeals to rejected aspiring DOC wines. However, Toscana di Follonica is above all famous for being the winemaker of Sassicaia for over 14 years. Today, her consultancies range in the North from the hills of Valpolicella to those of Prosecco.

Gabriele Gorelli


He is increasingly sought after and courted. As the first Italian Master of Wine, he has the wind at its back. Everyone seeks him when it comes to wine tasting or describing a territory. He is also appreciated for his concealed work aimed at helping other Italians to become Masters of Wine.

Donato Lanati


His research center, Enosis, with over thirty years of activity, is an avantgarde laboratory. About ten biologists and technicians, in various capacities, work to create wines of increasingly high quality. His consultancies should not be ignored: they range from Conterno’s Barolo Monfortino until Palari, passing through some French chateaux.

Giovanni Busi

As soon as Chianti Lovers successfully closed its doors, the president of Consorzio vino Chianti held the first Forum on credit in agriculture. There is a central need to change the rules for accessing bank credit envisaged by the Basel accords. Cooperative, Coldiretti, CIA and Confagricoltura are occurring as well.

Chiara Lungarotti


Her Torgiano Rosso Riserva Rubesco Vigna Monticchio 2018 is among the most awarded wines of the 2023 guides, and is a result that is always pleasing. Lungarotti guarantees reliability and ability to do things right. In Umbria is where it all started, as well as in the markets worldwide, where the wine of this company is consumed. A tenacious personality.

Gino Colangelo


Among consultancies and events, he represents a solid certainty for Italian wineries and protection consortia that want to make themselves known in North American markets. His company, located in New York, is a promotion hub. His column boasts high profile relations among the most significant US wine influencers.

Giampiero Bertolini


A great blow of the CEO of Biondi Santi came with the acquisition of Isole e Olena, that saw him landing in the classic Chianti and in the Supertuscan Cepparello in one go. The prices of the wines of Isole e Olena are double the average of the DOC. Furthermore, he produces a high end white, which was missing. Prices of Isole and Olena shall be ignored.

SimonPietro Felice

Tavernello is being propelled by the circular economy business of Caviro Extra. General Manager Felice facilitates the activity of the subsidiary, which transforms the by products of the winemaking of 12,000 members into alcohol, energy and fertilizers. Table wines are Caviro’s core business, as well as Cesari’s Veneto wines and Leonardo’s Tuscan ones. A very sustainable project.

Alessandra Corsi

Over the years, wine sales in the Conad chain (that resulted in a total turnover of 18.4 billion, in 2022) have grown a lot: efforts have been made to provide a wider offer. This was the starting point, as claimed by the marketing manager Corsi, of an assortment focused on “rewarding”, which also includes wines that once could only be found in the restaurant business.

Sandro Camilli

It will be three demanding years for Sandro Camilli, as the new president of AIS, who took over for Antonello Maietta, the legendary number one of the Association. Camilli is originally from Amelia, in province of Terni. He will have to pursue the path traced, making AIS move with the times even more, while maintaining all his institutionalism.

Marco Sabellico


I Tre Bicchieri are not as decisive as they used to be. However, they are awaited by winemakers like manna from heaven. Gambero Rosso’s Guide to Italian Wines thus remains an essential tool to become known. The credit goes to editors: Marco Sabellico, together with Beppe Carrus and Gianni Fabrizio.

Sandro Gini


Last September, the Soave programmatic manifesto was launched, together with Soave Multiverse: it can be summarized in the three key words of “young, beautiful, smart”, so as to underline the commitment of the President, Gini, and of the consortium to enhance the DOC. He counts 86 affiliated companies and produces 50 million bottles on average.

Sergio Dagnino


The start into high gear of the Prosit project is suffering some slowdowns. However, the fund company of the private equity Made in Italy Fund does not let go, as the most informed argue that it is only a matter of time for new acquisitions to come. The 2022 turnover reached 100 million euros. Perhaps, there were higher expectations.

Angiolino Maule


Perhaps it would be a good time for his creature, VinNatur, to get out even more beyond the borders in which it is located, in order to expand the number of winemakers who adhere to its production protocol. In times in which the word sustainable is now overused, he gets the credit for having started a long time ago and his ideas are always valid.

Nicola D’Auria


Eighteen months are left until the end of his office at the helm of the Wine Tourism Movement, in perhaps the most delicate period for the entire wine tourism field. He is also grappling with the new law that regulated the sector. After the effects of the pandemic, however, an economically crucial section needs to be carried forward.

Dominga Cotarella


Impeccable, professional and creative: she and her cousins Enrica and Marta are now a small fighting machine that manages to give wine a contribution with original and modern content. Formation and reputation are the focal points of the family brand, under the benevolent gaze of her father Riccardo and her uncle Renzo.

Walter Massa


He is among the most ingenious and creative Italian winemakers, and never ceases to amaze insiders. His latest invention – which is already attracting significant interest – is that of the Club degli Svitati, a group of producers that is beginning to prioritise closures with screw cap. Great things are yet to come. The show is guaranteed.

Domenico Zonin

The president of Zonin 1821 has changed managing director, improved its performance, yet the results are not too satisfying (2021 at a loss of 5 million euros). To make things worse, the bulky Benetton private equity fund, 21 Invest, is pawing. Zonin does not deny the rumors of possible transfers of estates.


She has been president of the Women of Wine association since the beginning of this year. She has been involved in wine since 1992. Since 1994, she has dedicated herself to her farm, the Terredora, from which come some of the labels that contribute to bringing Irpinia and Campania into the world. She is required to continue the growth of the association “in pink”.

Marcello Meregalli

The Brianza based company distributes 1,500 of the best known domestic and foreign wine labels and spirits. The fifth generation CEO Marcello Meregalli recently joined Advini Italia, a joint venture with the French Advini and La Collina dei ciliegi. The subsidiary Amc Vini will manage Duomo 18, the Wine & Life Style Club in Milan.

Gaia Gaja


The conversations between Angelo Gaja and his children must be interesting when it comes to deciding on new strategies. What is certain is that Gaia and her brothers Rossana and Giovanni are slowly and steadily beginning to influence the future management. To date, however, it seems to us that much is being shared, which is good.

Christian Marchesini


Trust in Valpolicella has been restored, after years of fogging. Sales remained steady but value has increased. Inventories of Amarone have been narrowed. What to do? “The only way is to raise the price so bottles won’t be sold at bargain prices” as stated by the president of the Marchesini Valpolicella Consortium.

Luciano Ferraro


Thanks to him, the most important Italian newspaper deals with wine, not only for economic issues but also by telling stories, protagonists and territories with a prose, that luckily is far from the chatter of social media. He thus restores authority to the whole sector. But even more attention from the Milanese newspaper is expected.

Domizio Pigna

A thousand members and over 1,500 hectares of vineyards, in the heart of Campania, make Guardiense one of the reference companies in the South. This doesn’t apply only to digits, but also to innovation, pursuit of quality and prestigious consultancies. A job well carried on by the president Domizio Pigna.

Alessandro Torcoli


He is committed between the management of the magazine Civiltà del Bere with its branches, and the organization of events that strongly appeal wine producers. He is trying to catch up by describing a rapidly evolving world, exploiting the potential offered by the digital. His tastings are also well organized.

Matilde Poggi


As a long time president of Italian winemakers, she is now head of the European ones (Cevi). Her role seemed to have been more effective when she was leading Fivi. Some political choices on Italian wine followed her direction. Developments are awaited from her work in Europe. Meanwhile, Fivi is moving its mega event from Piacenza to Bologna.

Denis Pantini

The manager of Wine monitor Nomisma processes data on production and trade flows, which are essential for understanding trends. Quality data are provided, on customs flows of some countries net of triangulations. On April 2 nd , at Vinitaly, Pantini presents “The assets that give value to the wine supply chain: markets, territories and companies”.

Alison Napjus


April is the month in which Wine Spectator publishes a cover dedicated to Italy. We are looking forward to seeing it again this year. On the other hand, there is Opera Wine, a significant showcase that probably needs to freshen up. Napjus and Bruce Sanderson are the pillars of the US newspaper in Italy.

Giancarlo Gariglio


The Slow Wine wine guide has always been appreciated. The credit goes above all to its editor, who knows how to provide new elements year by year. Most importantly, he is great at flushing out new producers, even in those less known territories. His contribution to the organization of the Slow Wine Fair, now in its second edition, is crucial.

Valentino Sciotti


Fantini group slows down, yet takes another step forward. In 2022, the company founded by Sciotti has achieved revenues of 93 million euros, a progressing number compared to the 90 of the previous year. The company collects 12 societies from Southern to Central Italy, and produces 24 million bottles, mainly abroad. Nemo propheta in patria.

Francesco Domini

He is the manager of Tenute del Leone Alato, Generali group, with a respectable curriculum including Antinori, Mastroberardino and Feudi di San Gregorio. He is carrying on the management of the group’s cellars, as well as the acquisition of new companies destined to be distributed. His last hit was Masseria Li Veli. An emerging figure.

James Miles


At a time when wine is increasingly becoming something collectible, the co-founder of Liv ex (London International Vintners Exchange) is a reference point in Italy as well. It is estimated that over 500 customers pass through London, buying and selling for a worth of over one hundred million euros. And Italian wines have increasingly more space.

Luca Gardini


His talent combined to the ability to understand wine and tell about it are unchanged. However, his new professional choices are to be taken into account. He ended his relations with Corriere della Sera for the new Guide to wines of L’Espresso, which is still too little known. Meanwhile, he continues to write for the Gazzetta dello Sport.

Edoardo Freddi

The 34 year old is CEO of a group that goes between wine trading and export management for third party companies. Altogether, the FreedL Group holding achieved revenues of 36 million euros last year. Freddi insists on the acquisition of assets (not vineyards) to grow the trading division. He aims at 50 companies to export. An emerging figure.

Andrea Farinetti

Restless and passionate, he manages the family business paying particular attention to the cellars. These are many and range across six Italian regions. A tight knit team of collaborators supports him in the mission. Results are not lacking, many of Fontanafredda’s innovative turning points bear his signature. On the upswing.

Marzia Varvaglione

A 34 year old native of Taranto, with a past as a basketball player, found her true love: wine. Marzia has been involved in marketing for 10 years in the family business. Thanks to her, the company has conquered significant positions in the market, especially abroad, helping to make the enological beauties of “her” Puglia known.

Gabriele Barbaresco

The report on the financial statements of wine companies, edited by the Mediobanca research area, is now an essential event that takes place right before Vinitaly. The manager of the research area, together with his team, presents the preliminary data and expectations of the wineries with at least 50 million euros in turnover; he also analyzes the trends of the world market and exports.

Renzo Rosso


Eventually, Mr Diesel did not stand the comparison and left the board of directors of Masi Agricola viciously. “A loss of interest in holding the position, failing to make a professional and innovative contribution to the management processes”. In short, for someone like him it was an unexpected surrender. Rosso now holds 10% of Masi Agricola.

Mario Piccini

Last year, the erupting entrepreneur from Chianti reached the record of 110 million euros in turnover. In order to accelerate, the family increased the share capital to 13.3 million. In addition to Geographical Chianti, Piccini controls estates in Chianti Classico, Maremma, Basilicata and Etna. He recently detected the barolo maker Porta Rossa.

Nelson Pari

The 34 year old native of Romagna, is considered one of the most influential Italian wine consultants based in London. He possesses an infinite passion for music, which broadens now to wine. They say that his events are the coolest, thanks to the collaboration with one of the major importers of Italian wine. Moreover, he is a judge in some wine competitions.